Gal Emerald Entrepreneurship & Investment Ltd
About Gal Emerald:
Gal Emerald is a long-standing company with decades of experience developing, managing and investing in a range of real estate assets – residential apartments, offices, commercial properties and hotels, as well as mixed-use property projects combining different uses in a single project.
The company continues to initiate, develop and manage real estate assets, among them offices, clinics and commercial centers in the total scope of more than 100,000 sqm, as well as thousands of residential units.
Gal Emerald believes in collaborations that create synergies, and therefore carries out many of its projects in partnership with leading companies in the real estate field.
The company specializes in working with both banks and non-banking financial institutions in offering creative financing solutions for real estate projects to meet the needs of both investors and buyers.
Gal Emerald places an emphasis on environmentally compatible and aesthetic planning alongside efficient, smart and user-friendly design.
“The love of beauty, like the love of good, needs no explanation ~ ". Plato
"We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us” Winston Churchill
Gal Emerald believes that everyone deserves a home in a high quality building and a pleasant environment.
We specialize in planning compatible with the residents needs, with an emphasis on aesthetics, comfort and planning efficiency.
Thousands of residents already enjoy apartments built as part of the company’s real estate entrepreneurship, and thousands of additional residential units are currently under development and construction.
Gal Emerald has developed and is developing projects in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Modiin, Mevaseret Zion, Tzur Hadassah, Beit Shemesh and Hadera.
Office, Commercial Property and Hotels
Gal Emerald has developed and is developing more than 100,000 sqm of office, commercial property and hotel real estate assets. The company develops office and commercial properties through private development of real estate properties for sale and long-term income-yielding investment, as well as by organizing purchase groups for investors and private individuals. The company emphasizes optimal and practical planning in the aim of offering the best yielding properties for both the owners and their tenants.